Our Mission
Legal Navigator is a free online legal resources platform for Hawai’i residents. It has guided interviews, legal resources organized by topic, and referral information for service providers to help with your legal needs.
At this time, Legal Navigator only provides information and referrals to people in Hawai’i. However, Legal Navigator is open source and its code is available for use by other states.
Our Service
Legal Navigator helps with various legal issues, including family law, housing problems, applying for benefits, and obtaining vital government documents. Legal Navigator only provides legal information, not legal advice.
Guided Assistant
Legal Navigator’s Guided Assistants help you make a Plan of Action for your legal problem. Just answer a few questions so we can understand your needs. Then you can print or save your Plan of Action. Our information and help come from trusted resources, including courts, nonprofit legal aid agencies, and community partners.
Topics and Resources
Legal Navigator’s Topics and Resources section provides organizations, articles, brochures, forms, and videos to help with your legal problem. These resources are broken down into categories, and organized by location. Use our location filter to find resources applicable to you.
Our Privacy Notice
We value your privacy. We will never share your personal information without your permission. Learn more about what information we collect and your privacy options.
Contact Us
To report a technical issue or make a suggestion to the site, please fill out this form.
For more information about the Legal Navigator pilot or how to get involved, or press inquiries contact: l[email protected]
For any questions regarding legal issues please call our intake hotline at 808-536-4302 or submit an online intake at https://legalnavigatorhawaii.org/legal-aid-online-intake/.